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"Equitable Journalism: Charting a Path to Better News"



Equitable journalism flyerEquitable Journalism:

Charting a Path to Better News

Esteemed Guests:
DANIELLE K. BROWN - University of Minnesota
LEANDRA H. HERNANDEZ - Utah Valley University
RACHEL R. MOURÃO - Michigan State University
GREGORY PERREAULT - Appalachian State University
DANYELLE WHITE - Salt Lake Tribune



Date: March 30th, 2023 | Location: LNCO RM 2400 | Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Many believe that the best way for journalism to improve its diminished trust among the public is for the profession to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Journalists and journalism researchers increasingly argue that news organizations need to do a better job telling the stories about marginalized groups, specifically by more deliberately pursuing reporting for those communities rather than about those communities. This day-long event will tackle the question: What needs to change so that newsrooms and their audiences become more diverse and aligned? Through a series of conversations between leading scholars and stakeholders, this event will offer a comprehensive look at the challenges and opportunities when it comes to journalism's troubled past and its hopefully brighter future.

View Event Below!

Last Updated: 8/8/23