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Conflict Resolution Certificate Specifications

NOTICE: The Conflict Resolution Graduate Certificate Program
will return in 2024 with new instructor and curriculum.
Watch this space for announcements related to program return!

Course Requirements

Successful conflict resolution requires an exceptionally high level of competence in communication and process skills. To develop those skills, students should expect to participate in role plays, simulations, and other exercises that practice live skills in every class session. They are also expected to complete short writing assignments, read from a selection of books on conflict resolution, and attend class regularly.

Each student will be expected to do a minimum of four mediation role plays acting as the mediator, and four role plays acting as the initiating party to a mediation. Each student will receive extensive feedback and personal coaching.


Tuition is currently $1700 each semester for a total of $3400*. Tuition must be paid at the beginning of each semester in accordance with the University of Utah payment schedules.

Currently, this program is not eligible for academic credit. As such, it is difficult for students to get tuition funding or financial assistance through grants or traditional student loans.

*Tuition is subject to increase. Keep watching the website for further information.

Meeting Schedule

The class meets one evening each week from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm in the Languages and Communication Building (LNCO) on the University of Utah campus. In order to keep the class size small, half the class will meet on Tuesday evenings, the other half on Thursday evenings (you may indicate your preference regarding which evening you would like to attend).

The schedule follows the regular calendar of the University: The autumn semester class begins the last full week of August and the spring semester class ends the last week of the following April.

State Certification and State Court Roster Qualification

The program fulfills the education requirement for state certification in mediation and for listing on the state court roster of mediators. It prepares students to take the ethics examination required by the Administrative Office of the Utah State Court to be eligible to be listed on their mediator roster.

For further information, please email:


Last Updated: 7/28/23